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Current Projects

Countdown Signs

Ever wanted to countdown to a upcoming event? Have too many players asking when something will occur? Well look no further. Countdown Signs allows for this to happen. What is does is change any sign you wish to a sign that counts down to 0 from a specified time. It currently supports days, hours, minutes, and seconds!

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What this script does is actually many things. It allows the ability to create custom virtual chests when right clicking on a chest. In this virtual chest are items that you specify, along with a personalized name and percent chance of getting the item for the items. To add to that, the inventory name for the chest is customization heaven. Also the script will open one of the multiple loot chests that are declared when the chest is right clicked. Lastly, this script allows for set spawns and respawns every specified interval of time!

Custom Inventory Menus

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Faction Name Integration

Own a faction server using a custom script chat? Players complaining that they cannot see the faction names when they speak? Well look no further! This script allows for just that. It uses some awesome integration into the on command event using skript, to hook into factions. It allows for any faction members to have there name next to them. Also it currently has support for a custom prefix if the faction player is the owner and also support for faction officer/moderator. 

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